Driver Education
Our Driver Program is officially starting!
Are you interested in getting your driver’s license? You may qualify for partial funding to complete your driver training course and get your Saskatchewan driver’s license!
Do you have a Saskatchewan learner’s license?
Have you had your learner’s license for at least 5 months?
Have you practiced driving in a Saskatchewan city?
If yes, this program might be for you!
The Driver Education program is a 6hr in-class and 6hr in-car training. The cost of the program is $750 per student. Southeast Newcomer Services will provide “Partial Funding covering $375” of the cost, “Newcomers will pay the remaining balance of 375.”
This program is open to Permanent Residents and Temporary Residents (certain conditions apply) in Saskatchewan, in the area serviced by Southeast Newcomer Services, who are required to complete a driver education program to obtain a Saskatchewan driver’s license.
- Must be at least 18 years old
- Must hold a valid Class 7 learner’s license (cannot be suspended, expired or owe SGI money)
- Must be a first time driver (cannot hold a driver’s license in any other province/country) -Some conditions apply if required by SGI to take driver education training
- Must be a Saskatchewan resident residing in the area serviced by Southeast Newcomer Services
- Must be a Permanent Resident who has resided in Canada for no more than 5 years
- Or Must be a Temporary Foreign Worker on a valid work permit who has been nominated under SINP Program or submitted an application for permanent residence under one of the federal immigration programs; or who are Live-In-Caregivers on a valid work permit. A copy of the applicable immigration document must be provided as proof.
- Be able to communicate in English (if available, provide a copy of an IELTS/CELPIP test scores, LINC certificate, school transcripts if studied in English etc.)
- Priority is given to applicants determined best for the program
- Must meet with the Settlement Advisor at Southeast Newcomer Services for a needs assessment and to develop a settlement plan
- “NEW.” Accepting applications from applicants denied in past submissions
In-eligible applicants:
- Visitors to Canada
- Seasonal labourers
- International Students on a student permit
- Canadian citizens
- Applicants without a valid learner’s license
Application Process:
Applicants are required to fill out an application form and submit applicable supporting documentation. You can stop by our Estevan and Weyburn office locations to pick up an application in person or go to our SNS page www.southeastnewcomer.com/programs/driver-education to fill out an application. Check application eligibility and non-eligibility. Make sure you have everything needed on our “Check List.”
Applications have to be submitted in writing either by mail, fax, email or by hand to:
Southeast Newcomer Services – Estevan Location
1108 – 6th Street
Estevan, SK S4A 1A8
Fax: (306) 637-3826
Southeast Newcomer Services – Weyburn Location
203 1st Street
Weyburn, SK, S4H 0T4
Fax: (306) 842-0205
Estevan Email:mailto:settlementadvisor.newcomer@sasktel.net
Weyburn Email:mailto:settlementadvisor.newcomer@sasktel.net
- Weyburn Application deadline is: February 14, 2024 by 1pm.
- Estevan Application deadline is: February 14, 2024 by 1pm.
- Rural Areas Application deadline is: February 13, 2024 by 1pm.
- The deadline might be reopened depending on the number of in-take applications
- Applicants will be notified following an interview at to whether or not they have been accepted to participate.
NOTE: In class session for Weyburn, Estevan & Rural Areas will be announced in future. In car driving hours will follow the completion of the classroom training. For further information you may contact our office at (306) 637-4920.
- Application form, signed and dated
- Copy of your Saskatchewan Learner’s License
- Copy of Permanent Resident card or
- Copy of the Confirmation of Permanent Residence/ Record of Landing or
- Copy of Work Permit and SINP Nomination Letter
- Copy of your most recent CLB test or assessment (if available)
Click the following link to download application form: 2023 Driver Education Program Application Form with Instructions
Click the following link to download the consent form: Consent Form for Driving Program 2024